Friday, 5 February 2010


I said when I started this blog back in December that I would regularly update on my weight and how it was changing. I haven't been doing this because my health problems were causing dehydration which messes up the numbers (well the fat numbers at least, overall weight is overall weight).

I have still been weighing myself every week and noting down the data, and I can see that as my health has improved through January so my hydration has gradually increased too. I did shoot myself in the foot one week by replacing the batteries in the scales (in case being old they were making the numbers inaccurate) at which point my hydration dropped 0.5% in the space of 10 minutes! Doh.

Anyway, on Tuesday the hydration was back to the lower levels of what I would consider "normal" so I am going to post my first proper update, comparing to the original values from December.

So its going ok so far. I will admit its getting a little harder now to be really strict as I'm still training 6 days a week on (most days) a calorie deficit. But I know I need to get the fat off while I can, as when the miles really ramp up in a few months I will be eating like a horse!

Oh yeah, and the picture above are the scales I use. Tanita BC-545. I absolutely love them, and if you're into the numbers (and I know not everyone is) then I can't recommend them highly enough.

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