Great things start with small steps. That's either a very philosophical statement or a nice sounding load of crap. Either way my small steps are under way.
First off was to clean up the summer bike to a sparkle in order to put it away for the winter hibernation. This is ironic really as the first time I have touched it in almost 2 months was at the weekend when it received such a clean. But then today my consultant told me to go out and ride (while fitted with a heart rate monitor thingy) so it got filthy again. So to stay on top of the motivation side of things (I won't find it motivating to have a outstanding job like that hanging around) I have cleaned it up again ready to go away, leaving me ready to crack on with the new training. And it gives me a tiny excuse to post a picture of my baby. See you in 4 - 5 months petal.
So out comes the winter bike. In fairness this was my summer bike until I upgraded.
I got a warranty replacement on the frame in the summer and took the opportunity to go up one size. This means the bars and maybe stem need replacing in order to bring the reach back. I will get this done at the weekend, as well as getting mud guards put on. I know, they are not sexy and add to the weight, but this is the winter bike so weight does not matter. And trust me, once you've spent a few months washing road dirt off your clothes and from all over your bike after every ride, you'll agree.
Next posts will be on nutrition / training. And maybe some depressing (or funny if you're not me) numbers if I dare get on the scales.
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